Tuesday, April 14, 2015


     Slideboom is a presentation tool similar to Microsoft Powerpoint and Google Slides. This application allows you to play the presentation as a movie and add sound. Offering you to create an account, all of the projects can be saved and returned to. This Web 2.0 tool allows students and teachers that want to create and share projects online. This could be used for students that want to access their presentation at all times rather than only once through a flashdrive.

     Glogster is an online application that allows you to use multimedia to create a large poster. Various templates and content libraries that can be used and applied to your poster. Glogster has also released a mobile application for iPhone and Android. Students in the classroom would be able to use this when presenting a project over a specific time period or event in history. The Smartboard would be able to display their poster for the entire class to see and interact with.

     JustPaste.It is a large information based tool, mobile and desktop. Text can be pasted into the website and once it appears, it creates a new note that can be found at a new web link. Similar to a blog, you can post videos and photos as well. Students would be able to use this when responding to an article or journal in a prompt. When their link was shared with others, it can be viewed by other students or their teacher. 

     SchoolWax is an all-in-one website that contains other mini-tools for students. Research links, online textbooks, and homework help are just three of the many that are available. The entire web tool is free to use. Students can use this when writing a research paper or even finishing history homework. When finished, they would be able to cite their source from this credible website.

     Acting as a large interactive and exploration database, KnowItAll is available for students and parents. The tool offers educational videos, hands-on workshops and virtual tours of a South Carolina rain forest. The website is organized and easy to access for all ages with parents. Students would be able to use this site during free time throughout the day. Rather than talk to each other or do nothing, they would be able to access this site and still work on puzzles to keep their brain flowing.

     Diagrammr is a site that does what it says - it creates a diagram of your sentence. By breaking down all nouns, verbs, adverbs and adjectives, you will be able to see what part of the sentence is missing or what needs to be changed. Basic tools are available, creating easy access. Students could use this tool when developing a paper or simple writing project. This would teach them sentence pieces and how to use them.

     Designed for higher grades, Webspiration is a visual based site offered for a small price. The site is used to improve writing and thinking skills. The classroom version (grades 5-12) and a pro version are available (college ages and business professionals.) Students could use this site in order to organize their ideas and display them. Other students could also use the peer review and collaboration options as well. 

     Tinypic, similar to Flickr and Picasa, offers an online sharing option of photos and videos. Others users can log in and view your photos. This site is free to all users. Students could use this tool in the classroom when creating a group project and sharing their ideas with their group members. If one student finished their part of the project, it could be uploaded and the other students could view it when needed.

     Simply, design your own map! Scribble Maps, offering the export option of Google Maps, allows you to draw your own map for any use. They can be made and then embedded into other sites. This tool could be used in the classroom by students when doing a scavenger hunt or even a math problem involving a series of problems. Once creating their own, it can be shared with other students.

     Braingle is a brain teaser website for all ages. Offering puzzles, riddles and problems, this site is great to keep your brain flowing and your free time well spent. This site is generated by the use of public problems - submit your own problem and have others solve it! Students could use this site in their free time when finishing another assignment early. Students could also submit their own riddle on the site and have others respond to it.

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